Friday, March 1, 2013

A joy from childhood

When I was very young about three or four years old my Dad would make animals out of modeling clay. The olive green kind of oily modeling clay. I was very fascinated by how he could take this green lump and make a gorilla or hippo. My young mind was full of wonder at my awesome Dad that could do these creations with his hands. Needless to say I worked very hard to duplicate his work and became fair at doing the animals. Well not long ago I came into the possession of some of that same olive green modeling clay. I decided to see what I could make. I had very little as it came in a package to cushion an object. Very odd thing to use but I had some. So I got out a few tools I had and created this Dragon head and the gnome and fairy. Not happy with the gnome and fairy and will probably trash them and start on another creation. What do you think? If nothing else it was fun and nostalgic.

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