Friday, January 11, 2013

Void drawings

This is a fun and unique way of creating a charcoal drawing. You start with some of your basic materials: drawing paper or newsprint paper, soft compressed charcoal, smudge pencil or tortillion, and kneadable eraser. Place your paper on a flat surface and use the charcoal to completely cover the paper. You can leave a border of non-covered paper for effect if desired. Then use your smudge pencil to blend the charcoal to give it a uniform look. Do not press hard when blending because you will be removing the charcoal with the eraser a little later on and if it's pressed to deeply into the paper you will not be able to get the brightness in your light areas. You can use a folded paper towel for this as well. When the charcoal is nicely blended lightly blow away the excess. It is now ready for you to begin your void "removal" drawing. You can attach the paper to a drawing board at this time and put it on your easel if you prefer. Take the kneadable eraser and pull and fold it until it is nice and soft. Then mold it to a point and dab it to remove the dark charcoal. Do not rub the eraser in the charcoal as this will have the same effect as with the smudge pencil and press it into the paper instead of removing it. What you are trying to accomplish is to bring out the light that is on the surface of the subject as in the first photo of the sphere and cone. You will have to complete several drawings before you feel comfortable with this technique but don't give up. Have fun and make Art!

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