Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pet portrait

This is my most resent pet portrait. Black animals are hard for me. But I think I captured Magoo's look. What do you think. Please leave a comment. This is an acrylic on canvas.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Gifts

These are two paintings I did today as gifts for my nephew and niece. He likes hunting and she is in to Strawberry Short Cake. He requested the Browning symbol and I decided to just make her Lil Miss Short Cake. These are acrylic on canvas. Please leave a comment. Thanks.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

1/3 Scale Guitar Final

This is my final post on this mini guitar. It has been a lot of fun creating this piece. Hope you have enjoyed watching. Please leave a comment. The pic of the gentleman holding the real guitar is the owner of the original. I have about 60 hours in the "minitar" and it has 11 layers of clear finish on it. The only things I did not create are the strings and they are real guitar strings cut down. Well that is about it. Again please leave a comment, hate it or love, does not matter. Thanks.

Monday, December 17, 2012

1/3 Scale Guitar

This is the next to last installment of this project. I created the tuner pegs from wood I cut with a scroll saw. I contoured them with a dremel rotary tool. I glued them in place and now I'm ready to paint the guitar.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

1/3 Scale Guitar

Well I've made the pegs and nut and bridge and set them in place and placed the frets. Now I have to create the tuners and set pins. the painting will take the most time but I;m having fun with this project. Pics below. More to come.

1/3 Scale Guitar

I have now filled and sanded the body then cut out the neck and head. a little more filler and lots more sanding and I'll be ready to mount the neck to the body and set up the head pins and put on the bridge.
More to come later. Stay tuned.

1/3 Scale guitar

Yesterday was a a bad day for working. I was very sick and we had many things come up, so, no work done. Today is a better day. I'm about to start the second phase of the guitar. I have the body ready to sand and contour the sides. I will do some preliminary contouring with a dremel tool. Then apply the bondo filler to fill the spaces that I left when cutting out the layers of the body. I will the do the layout for the neck and head. Here are the pics of the body and some of the tools I will use. Stay tuned and I'll post more later.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

1/3 scale guitar

I've been commissioned to do a replica of a special guitar. It's a work in progress and I'll post the pics as I complete steps. These pics are from the work I have done today. I will post the photos I used as a reference later on. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pen and Ink Birds

I thought I would show some of my pen & ink work. I use rapidograph pens. These are technical pens used mainly for drafting. I draw a variety of things with the pens but today I chose to post the birds. It usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour to finish one of these drawings. The size of these drawing is 11 x 14 inches. Let me know what you think! please leave a comment. Thank you.

Bird feeder

    Some friends of mine asked me to build a bird feeder like the one in my backyard. They live on a hill top and have a two story house. She is disabled and can't get out much so she wanted the feeder to be where she could see it from her recliner. They have two large doors leading out onto the balcony at the back of their house. She can see the middle posts easily, from her chair, and he didn't want shells or droppings on the rail or deck so I designed it to swing out away from the post. The wood I used was from an old pallet and scraps from other projects. The photos below are the finished product and the feeder mounted on the post.

As you can see here I used a slid bar lock to keep it in place. Well that,s it. If you would like a more detailed description let me know. 
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